Where to Donate

We have established the "Tohoku Support Fund", to provide financial support for children through the Ashinaga Foundation and Living Dreams. We have chosen these two organizations because of their vision and focus on supporting children through difficult times.

If you would like to make a donation to help children of the Tohoku disaster, please use the following details below:

Tohoku Support Fund Bank Details

Receiver name (Kanji) ELT for東北 代表世話役中村清和
Receiver name (Katakana) イーエルテイフオートウホク ダイヒヨウセワヤクナカムラキヨカズ
Bank 三菱東京UFJ銀行 (Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank)
Branch 西池袋支店 (Nishi Ikebukuro Branch)
Account type 普通 (normal account)
Account number 0168126
* All donations are tax deductable

Future Plans

· We will be holding charity events to support teachers, students and schools affected by the earthquake and tsunami
· We will support volunteer efforts from consortium members and employees
· We will be conducting fundraising online and through academic organization events including JALT, ETJ and others.